Button Confirm CITECT SCADA


Displays a message box on the screen and waits for the user to select the OK or Cancel button.

This function is a blocking function. It will block the calling Cicode task until the operation is complete.

This function will be blocked if called from a non-client process, as well as from kernel window of a client process if [Client]DisableDisplay is set to TRUE.


Message(Title, Prompt, Mode)


The title of the message box. The maximum length is 254 chars. 


The prompt displayed in the message box.


The mode of the message box:

0 - OK button

1 - OK and Cancel button

16 - Stop Icon

32 - Question Icon

48 - Exclamation Icon

64 - Information Icon

Select more than one mode by adding the modes. For example, set Mode to 33 to display the OK and Cancel buttons and the Question icon. You can only display one icon for the message box.

Return Value

0 (zero) if successful, otherwise an error is returned. If the user presses the Cancel button the function returns an error code of 299.

Related Functions



/* Display an error message in a message box. */IF Total<>100 THEN    Message("Error","Total not 100%",48);END


IF Message("Confirm", "Do you want to CB CLOSE %equipment% ?", 1) = 0 THEN


%equipment% adalah Addresse Ginie

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